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10 Most Shocking Mysterious Discoveries on Earth

BySani Magaji Garko

Mar 22, 2024


The intelligence of mankind is what makes him different from other species.

But man, no matter how smart or intelligent there are things he finds very difficult to understand because he can’t easily comprehend where they are coming from, and how long have they been in existence, so in trying to ease the understanding of the complexity of nature like this, he decided to call them “MYSTERY” something that i’ unsolved’.

Below are some of the selected shocking discoveries made by archaeologists on Earth.

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The Yanaguni Monument is Japan’s Atlantis steeped in mystery and controversy, off the coast of the Ryukyu Islands (border East China & Philippine Sea) there lie strangely even shapes that some scientists believe can only be manmade and point to an ancient civilization submerged some 10,000 years ago. A pyramid-shaped structure, an arch, staircases, and other shapes complete with markings that could be ancient script, have reportedly been identified, all hinting to a lost civilization.

Others say that the structures are purely naturally occurring, not unlike the symmetrical basalt columns found in Iceland or on the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland. To see this interesting complex, you’ll need a wet suit and scuba gear to dive into Inner Space.

Marine geologist, Masaaki Kimura claims that the formations are man-made stepped monoliths. These claims have been described as pseudoarchaeologica. Neither the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs nor the government of Okinawa Prefecture recognize the features as important cultural artifacts and neither government agency has carried out research or preservation work on the site.


The Bimini Road, sometimes called the Bimini Wall, is an underwater rock formation near North Bimini Island in the Bahamas.

The Road consists of a 0.8 km (0.50 mi)-long northeast-southwest linear feature composed of roughly rectangular limestone blocks. Various claims have been made for this feature being either a wall, road, pier, breakwater, or other man-made structure. However, credible evidence or arguments are lacking for such an origin.

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The ancient Indian city of Dwarka is said to have sunk beneath the Arabian Sea. Now, underwater archaeologists are looking for the foundations of its city walls to prove its existence.
Centres in India, the city of Dwarka is not only of religious importance but also archaeological. The city’s ancient incarnation, referred to in the epic Mahabharata as the ancient kingdom of Krishna, was spread across almost 84km as a fortified city where the Gomti River and the Arabian Sea meet. According to the text, the ancient city was sunk beneath the Arabian Sea upon Krishna’s death.


Is the narrowest portion of the fissure, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are within arm’s reach of one another. This unique spot allows us the thrilling opportunity to touch two continents at once, a rare geological feature that adds to the surreal nature of diving in Silfra Fissure


Anomaly is a feature visible on an indistinct sonar image taken by Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åberg, and their Swedish OceanX diving team…

The anomaly is a disc-shaped object with a diameter of roughly 60 meters, located at a depth of 90 meters. It has been described as a metallic structure with a rounded top, and its features suggest it may be man-made.


The long-lost Apollo engines were found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean
Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos and his team have recovered from the ocean floor what was believed two of the long-lost Saturn V engines from the Apollo 11 mission, which sent the first man to the moon more than 40 years ago.

Surprisingly long thought to be lost forever on the ocean floor, massive engines that launched astronauts to the moon more than 40 years ago have been recovered by a private expedition led by the founder of Amazon.com.

“We found so much,” said Jeff Bezos, the online retailer’s CEO, in an update posted Wednesday (March 20) on the Bezos Expeditions website. “We have seen an underwater wonderland – an incredible sculpture garden of twisted F-1 engines that tells the story of a fiery and violent end, one that serves as a testament to the Apollo program.”

When NASA’s mighty Saturn V rockets were launched on missions to Earth orbit and the moon in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the five F-1 engines that powered each of the boosters’ first stages dropped into the Atlantic Ocean and sank to the seafloor. There they were expected to remain, discarded forever.

Then, almost exactly one year ago, Bezos announced his private — and until then, secret — expedition had located what they believed to be the engines from the 1969 Apollo 11 mission that began the journey to land the first humans on the moon.
“Nearly one year ago, Jeff Bezos shared with us his plans to recover F-1 engines,” said NASA administrator Charles Bolden in a statement that was released Wednesday. “We share the excitement expressed by Jeff and his team in announcing the recovery of two of the powerful Saturn V first-stage engines from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.


Almost 1,200 years ago, the Mediterranean Sea engulfed the city of Heracleion off the coast of Egypt. Before it sank more than a thousand years ago, it was one of the most significant commercial hubs in the Mediterranean. Like the way the modern world sees the city of Atlantis, Heracleion was long thought to be a myth. However, after doing a significant underwater investigation in present-day Aboukir Bay, underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio eventually located the submerged city in 2000.

Heracleion had been reduced to only a few inscriptions and sentences in old texts by authors like Strabo and Diodorus before this recent discovery. When the mythical hero Heracles (also known as Herakles) first stepped foot in Egypt, a massive temple was built there, according to the Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC). He also asserted that Paris and Helen of Troy paid the place a visit before the legendary Trojan War. The Greek explorer Strabo observed that the city of Heracleion was situated east of Canopus at the mouth of the River Nile, four centuries after Herodotus had traveled to Egypt.

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What is the 5000-year-old city found in Greece?
Position of Pavlopetri. The city of Pavlopetri (Greek: Παυλοπέτρι), in Vatika Bay underwater off the coast of southern Laconia in Peloponnese, Greece, is about 5,000 years old, making it the oldest submerged city known in the world.


Baia, in Italy, was an ancient city of Rome that was on the shore of the Gulf of Naples. Now it is considered part of Bacoli in the region of Campania. From 100 BC to 500 AD, the extremely rich and elite were the ones who had built luxurious villas in this area and Baia was one of these resorts that stood for centuries. At one time, this resort was a place of self-indulgence and it was said to have been full of corruption.

Archeologists also found underwater sculptures could speak, what secrets would they tell us? Would they tell us about the volcanic activity that had a hand in causing this part of the town to be submerged in the sea? Interestingly, underwater research was done by the team of the archaeologists which revealed that many of the finer buildings were protected in the park. The city itself was named after the helmsman of Odysseus’s ship in Homer’s Odyssey, who was said to have been buried close by. Even though the area was an active volcanic area, the city was still built on the Cumaean Peninsula in the Phlegraean Fields.


What is the lost city under Fuxian Lake?

In 2005, the detected ancient city reached an area of 2.4 sq km (1 sq mi) with 8 main buildings. The most amazing one is the Fuxian Lake Pyramid. This 5-storey building is 21 m (69 ft) high and the shape is like the pyramid of Maya. A stage-style building with many bronze buckles was speculated to be a Sacrificial Altar.

Fuxian Lake is the largest deep-water freshwater lake in China, located in Chengjiang County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province. Fuxian Lake has little change in cold and heat, and the content of negative oxygen ions is high.

God wanders are too numerous to count whatever is your faith have this at the back of your mind that all this natural movement didn’t appear just like that, someone may have created them, someone whose power is beyond questioning, the highest, the creator, the all-wise, all knower, the one who all depend on, while the creator depends on no one.

To me, mysterious creatures and structures, such as asteroids, and UFO’s USO are God’s creations to remind us of his power, presence, and lesson down here on Earth.

Waziri can be reached at: Nasirumuhammedwaziri@gmail.com

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