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Truth And Objectivity

The ARTV Saga: Trading of Blame Game, A Call to Place The Right Peg in The Correct Hole.

BySani Magaji Garko

Apr 30, 2024


The Abubakar Rimi Television Kano has recently turned to a theatre whose storm brews, not of nature’s making, but of human conflicts, blames trading, accusation, and counter-accusations.

The Kano state government’s television station has found itself leveled in a tumultuous blame game, where allegations of mismanagement and financial impropriety against the managing director swirl like leaves caught in a tempest.

At the epicenter of this turmoil is the embattled managing director, a figure once revered but now cast into the crucible of scrutiny.

READ ALSO: ARTV’s Saga: NAWOJ Stands with NUJ, RATTAWU’s Decision — Hafsat Sani

The Station Three Joint Unions of Journalists males and females and the theatre arts workers added voices to the chorus of discontent, pointing fingers and laying blame at the feet of the chief executive officer.

While caught in a skinned turbulence the chief executive grabs the management in complicit, claiming that they were once accomplices and shall never be swayed.
Yet, in this cyclic dance of accusation and deflection, clarity seems elusive in the eye and the truth is obscured by a fog of mistrust.

The accusations levied against the Managing Director are weighty, casting shadows on his and the station’s integrity and reputation. Mismanagement allegations and whispers of financial misappropriation echoing through the corridors, staining the institution’s once sterling reputation is never a call.

As the saga gets along inflaming the chaos, a sign of relief must be thought and subsequently emerged, probably with the stepping in of an umpire.
A call for all Waring factions is to turn to the umpire now and wait for its hammer or better still to God and say the truth.

In this crucible of conflict, it is imperative that all parties involved management, unions, the umpire, and even the opposition political entities that are lured in lately, should pause and reflect. Let us not succumb to the siren song of the blame game, but instead, seek the higher ground of truth integrity, and transparency. Only through honest introspection and sticking to the state of reality and truth, can the right peg be placed in the correct hole.

As the blame game threatens to entangle even the opposition political party, it is time to rise above petty politics and embrace the truth.

READ ALSO: Journalists Union in ARTV Cries for Help Over MD’s Threats, Plan to Sell Staff Quarters

Let us not allow the sacred duty of journalism to be tarnished by the stains of corruption and malfeasance.

The general public shouldn’t be entangled in an optical illusion of the truth. They should be implored and not be swayed by the tempest of mirage accusations. Instead, they should demand accountability and transparency from all the parties involved.
Seeking for the truth, even when it is presumed to be hidden behind the veils of deception.
In the end, it is not the blame game that matters, but the resolution. May the sword of the antigraft agency that serves as umpire in the feud bring about integrity and guide actions and may the truth prevail and transparency be the Watchword in the storm.

Only then can Abubakar Rimi Television reclaim its place as a bastion of peace, truth integrity, and professionalism in the field of television broadcasting.

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