The Russians and Chinese built an alliance in 2009 called the BRICS which started with initial members like Brazil, China, Russia, India and South Africa.
15 year later, more countries joined, and three weeks later 13 more countries follow suit.
The union was designed as mechanism aims to promote peace, security, development and cooperation. It also aims at contributing significantly to the development of humanity and establishing a more equitable and fair world.
The BRICS together is more than half of the population of this planet.
The United States is only Four and the half percent, not 50% of this planet.
The total output of good and services in the BRICS is significantly larger than the total output of the United States and it’s major allies known as the G7 namely; the United States, Canada, Japan, Britain, France, Germany and Italy.
Eventually now, every country in the world, is reassessing and redesigning it’s strategy for the future, meaning they are redesigning because the dominant players in the world for over 70 years, the United State isn’t the dominant player anymore.
There’s a bigger, richer player in the BRICS which means if you are going to build a rail-road in your country you may go to Washington or Paris, to ask them what offer they can make and then compare it with what you can get from Beijing, New Delhi, and Moscow, and in case the choices is made to go with the BRICS not the West.
This took us to the question, What is the biggest reality America has to face ?
Is the end of American empire ?
What is inherited from the British (United Kingdom UK) because the UK had the last empire before the Americans.
The reality is that, is now over and there is zero chance it’s coming back. It ought to have been a central issues in the recent just concluded American general election, instead, the two candidates and their parties work overtime to “practical denial”.
The war in Ukraine is the Natural example of how costly this denial would be.
When the war begins in February, 2022, president Biden told us along with all of his officials and I qoute “Russia would be brought to its knees, the Russians currency (the Rubble), would collapse, the entire west would side with Ukraine against Russia invasion and would defeat the Russians.” None of that happened.
Every part of that prediction proves false.
Why ?
Because they way Russia was to be brought to its knees was by denying the market for Russian oil and gas whose export the Russians depend on it a major industry for them and they exported all of that energy to western Europe when the western Europeans under pressure from the United State to close their market for Russia, the expectation was was that Russia will collapse.
But instead Russia went to its allies in the BRICS above all china and India arrange to sell to them the oil and gas they no longer sold to the European, as a result, Russia is growing faster than the United State, and it has grown at a faster rate than the United State throughout the war period.
You could have do more mistaken than this, that’s what it means if you deny a reality.
The European Mistakes.
Trump and president Putin will soon agree to end the war in Ukraine, if Europe does all it great war mongering it doesn’t matter the war is ending anyway.
European couldn’t have gone to Kiev, they could have go to Moscow, discuss with their counterparts and don’t beg to be at the table with united state.
Europe has 450 million people. It has 23 trillion dollar of economy. So Europe should be in the room with Russia, if the United State want to join, that fine, but don’t beg.
By the way Europe doesn’t need to have Ukraine in the room when it talks with Russia, there are real security issues on the table, if I were Europe, I would ask them what are the security guarantees that can work so that thus war ends permanently.
Another issue who was always margnaliazed when it comes to discussion on between Europe, America and Russia is that: Estonia has about 25 percent Russian speaking citizens, ethnic Russia. Latvia the same. So the question remained What role did Baltic states played? Do they support Russia, are they neutral or side with Europe?
Trump and president Putin would have to agree to end the war.

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